Ceylon Special Ratnapura Tea (FOP)

  • Regular price £7.60

Helpful Add-Ons

Stainless Steel Tea Infuser
Stainless Steel Tea Infuser
Chinese Tea Tin - 200g Tea Storage
Chinese Tea Tin - 200g Tea Storage


Tea Information
Type Black Tea / Ceylon FOP
Origin Sri Lanka
Format Loose Leaf Tea


This Ratnapura tea is a top-speciality Ceylon FOP (finest orange pekoe) and a true rarity. It comes from the low growing region of Sabaragamuwa District of Sri Lanka, and has fine needle-shaped leaves with many silvery tips. The taste is highly aromatic and spicy with a unique quality similar to a malty Assam. The cup is dark red with a spicy bouquet.

Buy Our Ratnapura Tea & Get 2 Free Samples!

Buy this fine Ratnapura tea online at Char Teas for fast home delivery, and we will be happy to include two free samples of other traditional teas from our huge collection - all as part of our exclusive and ongoing special offer!