Yunnan Pu Erh Tea

  • Regular price £5.85

Helpful Add-Ons

Stainless Steel Tea Infuser
Stainless Steel Tea Infuser
Chinese Tea Tin - 200g Tea Storage
Chinese Tea Tin - 200g Tea Storage

Tea Information
Type Pu Erh Tea
Origin Yunnan Province of China
Format Loose Leaf
Taste Strong, spicy and, depending on the brewing, an earthy, woody flavour
Brewing Advice Use one dessert spoon per cup. Add boiling water. Infuse for one to five minutes according to taste.


Yunnan is ideal for tea production because of its geographical position and climatic conditions. It is the home of Pu Erh teas. The unique character of Pu Erh teas results from storing the tea in cool cellars or underground for one or more years. They have many alleged health properties, including lowering cholesterol, aiding weight loss and helping digestion. The light to dark brown leaf of this tea produces a strong, spicy, earthy taste and, depending on the brewing, an earthy, woody flavour. The cup has a rich dark red colour and is low in caffeine.

Is Pu Erh tea good for weight loss?

Pu Erh tea is widely sold as a weight loss tea and is regularly used as a main ingredient in commercially prepared weight loss tea mixtures. Although there is, as yet, no empirically backed evidence as to how Pu Erh tea might facilitate weight loss, there are widely proposed explanations. The belief is that the tea increases the drinker's metabolic rate and that the high tannin level reduces nutrient absorption.

Buy Yunnan Pu Erh Tea Online Today

Whatever your reasons for drinking Pu Erh it is one of the most interesting teas of China and drunk around the World for its distinctive taste as well as its health properties. Buy our Yunnan Pu Erh Tea online today to receive two free samples of our other traditional teas with your order!