Char Ceylon Supreme Tea

  • Regular price £8.15

Helpful Add-Ons

Stainless Steel Tea Infuser
Stainless Steel Tea Infuser
Chinese Tea Tin - 200g Tea Storage
Chinese Tea Tin - 200g Tea Storage


Tea Information
Type Black Tea
Origin Highgrown, Sri Lanka
Format Loose Leaf
Taste Full Bodied Soothing and Complex with a Copper Coloured Cup.
Brewing Advice One to two dessert spoons per cup.
Infuse for 3 minutes in near-boiling water.


Buy this luxury loose-leaf Char Ceylon Supreme Tea online today at Char Teas UK, and receive two free samples of other teas from our exquisite loose tea selection

What Makes Our Ceylon Tea the Best?

This is true serendipity, meaning a happy discovery: Serendip was one of the names originally given to Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and one fully deserved by Char Ceylon Supreme Tea. It is high grown in the mountains of Sri Lanka which reach up to 5000 feet. The dry wind blows during the plucking season resulting in a tea with a beautiful copper colour, a distinctive aroma and mellow flavour.

Ceylon Supreme Tea - Find Out More

  • Our Ceylon takes well to milk, although we recommend you drink it black.
  • Full-bodied soothing and complex.
  • Great at any time of day.
  • Get two free samples with every order!